Friday, January 25, 2013

To The Battlefield!

We are a sinful people. Our minds are carnal. Only a prideful person could ever dispute that. We are who we are--except for one thing. We have the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. We can humble ourselves and be repentant. We can change. Yes we can! We can change and perfect our inhibitions--our actions and our thoughts. We can overcome. Yes we can! We can lean towards goodness and place our feet upon the path not taken. We can step away from the dark and into the light. Yes we can! As children of a most High God, can we allow ourselves to do anything but that? Can we allow ourselves to wear an unrighteous aurora? No, we cannot! Can we allow our shield of righteousness to be left on the ground to rust and to be trampled upon? No, we cannot! Can we allow the leaches of the world--the tyrants and the devils--to cling to us, sucking the goodness out of us? No, we cannot!

In my life, I have sinned. I have troubled my God with too many pleadings and demands. In my days, I have been thankless; I have been thoughtless; and I have been slothful. I have been as Alma The Younger--taking advantage of the irresponsible nature of my youth and the arrogance and ignorance that comes with that. I have murmured against those of authority--those who sought only to share with me what they felt I should know or how I should act. I have been to the great and spacious buildings--I have had my cups and my stomach filled with that of which the world could offer. I have glanced at the Tree of Life. I have glanced--and seen the trip too hard to make; the fruit too simple to be so glorious; and the sacrifices oh too much to make.

But now...

I see myself as I am now--troubled by the sacrifices that I am to make; troubled by the desires of my heart; and troubled by the cunning ways of the evil one. I see all this and I know--I know that I must decide who I will serve and which commander I will follow on the battlefield. For we are at war--that much is clear. Either I am to be with Christ or I am to be with Satan. The way of Satan is enticing--despite the hidden bondage made by consequences. The way of Christ is what it is: hard work and sacrificial. I guess what I am asking of  us all (and myself especially) is this: Is it worth is? Is it worth my time? Is it worth any loss I might have? I fear change. I fear loss. Can I answer any of these questions? Nay, but I can say that I have faith. I have faith in the power of Christ. For it is Him that I will serve. It is for Him that I will go on my mission. Thus, I have faith in a reward far greater than that that the world could ever give me. I have faith in the renewal of any losses that I face by things of greater value and of higher importance. I have faith in all this. I have hope that it will all be worth it and that all will be well.

To the battlefield!

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